The Return of Barack Obama

In the last blog, “Physical to Digital”, we wrote about the significance of the upcoming Jupiter/ Saturn conjunction December 21st, 2020.  This conjunction at 0 degrees of Aquarius officially begins the next 200 years of the two trend-setting planets meeting in air signs, Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini.

The conjunction occurs every 20 years but stays for 200 years in the same element, fire, earth, air or water; each 200-year span of time in a particular element signifies different values, opportunities, and responsibilities.  One or more areas of our life will contract, and others will expand; a new social contract will arise.

As we switch from the earth element, in this case, to the air element, all the old values and systems we have become familiar with fade away.  Repositioning ourselves for this new political, social, cultural, religious, and economic cycle, as we make this elemental switch, is one of the reasons that our lives are being disrupted on so many different levels these days.  

The air sign Aquarius and the degree of 0 is where these two planets will meet; each planet having arrived there from two different orbits around the Sun (Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit and Saturn 29 ½ years). Not only should all Aquarians take note (and we all have Aquarius someplace in our charts) but those persons who have 0 Aquarius strongly in their charts will be called upon to play a special role in the  near future, which brings me to Barack Obama and a story in the Monday June 29th in New York Times.

President Obama has the planet Jupiter at 0 degrees of Aquarius. Jupiter is the planet that governs how we expand, what our beliefs are, where we find our strength to move forward, our optimism, our success, our interest in laws and justice, our luck, our ethics, our expectations, our rewards, our understanding and wisdom.

Aquarius is symbolized by the water bearer-the only zodiacal sign that is depicted by a human being, which gives a good clue as to Aquarius’ significations.  Aquarius concerns the brotherhood of man, including sisterhood and third parties of course.  Everyone counts in Aquarius-even Black lives!!

In other words, Ex-President Obama expands personally by helping others better their lives.

Obama will turn 59 on August 4th, hardly “real retirement” time. Additionally, from Jan 13th, 2000 until Aug 8th, 2029 this Jupiter will be highlighted.  These 29 years are the most positive and progressive of his life, as Jupiter symbolizes his “way forward”. 1996 began his career in politics in the Illinois Senate where after 3 terms, he was elected to the US Senate in 2004.

Jupiter will again be at 0 degrees of Aquarius, and begin its yearly journey through the sign, on December 20th.  Obama cannot help but feel strongly about continuing to contribute to the welfare of his fellow citizens, as community minded as he is.  

He has another motivation, as the Times article points out, that President Trump’s continual personal attacks and attempted (and in some cases successful) sabotaging of his administration’s achievements, motivate him not to walk quietly into retirement, but to stay engaged.  President Obama endorsed Joe Biden in April and held his first joint fundraising event at last week’s Virtual Grassroots Fundraiser, where he helped Biden raise 17 million dollars. Obama told the 175,000 people who tuned in; “Whatever you’ve done so far is not enough. And I hold myself and Michelle and our kids to that same standard.”

He is a man of his word, in that his “Post-Presidency retirement” is anything but that.  Busy now after writing his 800 page memoir, he is anguishing over its publication date, which cannot be before the election in November due to the pandemic, and has a multi-million dollar contract with Netflix to produce scripted features and documentaries with Michelle through their production company “Higher Ground Productions”. These projects highlight his vision of the effects of grass-roots activism for political change, certainly a high focus topic these days. In many ways his Jupiter in Aquarius is only getting started.  The last time Jupiter was in Aquarius was January 2009 as he was taking the oath of office as President of the United States.

Now I am not proposing that Vice President Biden is going to pick Obama as his running mate, but I think we will hear more from him as the summer winds down and the electioneering heats up, such as it will in these strange days.  Not only is Obama having a Jupiter return, but he is having a second Saturn return as well.  

This is a period of maturity for a person, when one comes face to face with the larger context of one’s life. In Obama’s case his determination to keep his legacy alive, amid the obvious attempts to erase it, have been aroused.

Cautious he is and will be this year, and reluctant to move completely into the limelight, his birthday chart clearly shows that this year he will be more actively engaged in the political process than he has been since leaving office. His voice, which the Times article correctly writes is his most important asset, will be heard more and is in harmony with the voice of many of the American people, especially after  October 8th ,as his progressed Moon enters Leo and a public place in his chart.  America’s natal chart has its Moon, which signifies the people, in Aquarius and Obama’s natal chart and birthday chart connect strongly with our Moon in Aquarius, as evidenced by our election of him as President in 2008.

Aquarius and Cancer are the preeminent signs of the United States.  Our birthday is July 4th  (Lunar Eclipse Full Moon this year signifies something is coming to a head!). Our Sun and 3 other planets are in Cancer, but our Moon, that is the signature of the people is Aquarius.  We want “all men are (read “to be”) created equal” as Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence. Although the written words speak to a lofty ideal, the present reality misses that mark somewhat! 

But that is where Obama and everyone else who has Aquarius strong in your natal horoscope are predisposed to help make manifest.  The mission of this position of Jupiter is to remember “that the truth about contributing to other’s lives and caring about people in a community is not about control, but acceptance of, and reverence for, each person’s divinity. “ (Lynda Hill)